Vairkko Training Resources
CES is transitioning to a new HR Management platform, the new software is now available to all CES Employees and Volunteers and is slated for a full go-live on September 1st. Below are a list of compiled training resources to learn how the platform works!
Ready to login?
Your Vairkko account is now ready to login! To login please use the link below and upon accessing the login page please click the “Trouble logging in” button. It will bring you to a page where you can receive an email reset link. Type in your email and hit send link. Please note that the default email address is the email that you received this message to and that is used for your Certipay Account (don’t worry this can be changed once logged in). Once logged in you can view your outstanding tasks for more direction. Additionally, Vairkko has an app on the Android and IOS App Store, you should check it out! For problems logging in please enter an IT Ticket with ESO and an IT Department representative will reach out.
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