Personnel Badge Request The following information is collected to generate ID badges for all personnel. Please allow up to 3 business days for your badge to be ready for pickup at HQ. You will be contacted when your badge is ready. If you are human, leave this field blank.Employee Name *The title field is reserved for ranked officers only. I.e. Chief, LT, Capt, etc.Employee ID # *Your employee ID Number is provided to you by HR at the time of hiring. It is also the number you type in at the fuel pump. You can find this number on a paystub, certipay, or on the time clock when you scan your finger. Volunteers, please enter your three digit numeric call sign. Employment Status *Full-TimePart-TimeVolunteerAre you an office employee? *YesNoWhat is your role/title in the office?Member Type *FirefighterParamedicFirst ResponderEMT-AEMT-BDispatcherOffice StaffFirewatch OfficerAuxiliaryPlease select the disciplines in which you are associated with Chatham Fire. Please note that all certifications will be verified with HR and training before badges will be printed.Rank (if applicable):Photo Headshot *Feel free to take a photo now or upload a photo that you like. You MUST be the only person in the photo and there must be a solid backdrop. The photo should be taken from the chest up and may not cut off your head. Any deviation from these requirements may result in your badge request being rejected.Phone *Phone number to notify you when your badge is ready for pickup.Contact Email *Required for badge submission and corrections.SignatureReset SignatureIf on a tablet or cell phone you may sign on the screen. If using a computer please sign or initial with the mouse.Submit