by Jeffrey Mills | Jul 1, 2023 | Community Risk Reduction, Fire Prevention, Holiday Safety, Home Safety
With Independence Day this weekend, we would like to share some safety tips to keep your holiday weekend safe and fun. 1) Attend a professional show instead of holding your own. 2) Always read instructions. 3) Use fireworks in clear open area. 4) only adults handle...
by Jeffrey Mills | May 2, 2023 | Community Risk Reduction, Home Safety
It is almost Summer and with that comes fun in the sun with family and friends. To keep your family and yourself safe there a few things to look at before you start the events. For campfires and yard debris burns, make sure they are always attended and there is water...
by Jeffrey Mills | Apr 2, 2023 | Community Risk Reduction, Home Safety
Doing laundry is most likely part of your every day routine. But did you know how important taking care of your clothes dryer is to the safety of your home? The leading cause of home clothes dryer fires is failure to clean the lint out. With a few simple safety tips...
by Jeffrey Mills | Mar 6, 2023 | Community Risk Reduction, Fire Prevention, Home Safety
Time Change = Battery Change! It is that time of the year to replace your smoke detector battery to ensure they are properly working. Smoke is a poison that can kill you. Without working smoke alarms, you may not wake up from the smoke. Home fires at night or when...
by Jeffrey Mills | Feb 22, 2023 | Community Risk Reduction, Home Safety
In recent years, there has been a marked increase in the deployment of lithium ion batteries in energy storage systems (ESS). Many ESS are being deployed in urban areas both in high rise structures and single- and multi-family residences. As the usage has increased so...
by Jeffrey Mills | Feb 7, 2023 | Community Risk Reduction, Home Safety
Carbon monoxide, also known as CO, is called the “Invisible Killer” because it’s a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. More than 150 people in the United States die every year from accidental non-fire-related CO poisoning associated with consumer products,...
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