Smoke Detectors
Smoke alarms save lives. Smoke alarms that are properly installed and maintained play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. Our department has partnered with American Red Cross to placed smoke detectors in homes in our coverage area. Click on the link below for our S.A.F.E Program.
Install smoke alarms in every bedroom.
They should also be outside each sleeping area and on every floor.
It is best to use interconnected smoke alarms so when one sounds, they all sound.
Change your clocks, change your batteries.
Test your smoke alarms at least once a month.
Replace all smoke alarms in your home every 10 years.
Gate Codes and Knox
Locked doors and secured entry points can delay emergency response. Enable first responder rapid access by installing a secure UL listed KnoxBox that houses entry keys and access cards. KnoxBox can be used for residential, commercial, and gate entry. Responders have a special key that grants access.
Knox Box Keys
Our department has a responsibility to protect lives and property. Installing a KnoxBox is a way to give access to your home/business after hours. If you need assistance with having your Knox Box locked you can fill out the form HERE or call our non emergency dispatch line at 912-920-3273.
Gate Codes
Having a gate on an apartment complex or business will protect your facility from unwanted guess, but it may also not allow our department to gain access during an emergency. Our department will be out in the coverage are on Thursday to ensure we have the right code. The community can help by making sure we have the appropriate codes and ClicktoEnter is installed and working correctly. Click here for more information.
Fire Hydrants
Ensuring fire hydrants are working properly and visible are a vital part of fire fighting operations. Help our department and the communities by making sure the area around hydrants are clear. Non-hydrant areas can also look at placing a dry hydrant in the community to assist in water supply.
Wet Hydrants
Wet hydrants are hydrants that are connected to large water system. Water is supplied through the distribution system creating at least 1000 gallons per minute of water. There are a few wet hydrants on private water systems, but they can not be used to supply water to a fire apparatus. In a private water system the hydrant is supplied by a well or storage tank.
Dry Hydrants
A dry hydrant is a pre-installed pipe that is submerged into a static water source and has a fire department connection on the other end. This allows for fire crews to draft from water sources such as lagoons, ponds, etc.
Pulse Point
PulsePoint is an app provided by CES that helps enable community responders who are trained and willing to provide CPR to those in need. Learn more about this powerful app and see how you can help save a life in the community by following the button below.
Ga Forestry Burn Permit
Under Senate Bill 119, GA code section 12-6-90 was changed to eliminate the need to notify the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) by the person, firm, corporation, or association who intends to burn hand-piled natural vegetation/yard debris.
811 Call Before You Dig
Notifying Georgia 811 before you do any mechanized digging is important to protect yourself and those near the area. No matter what size project make sure you contact 811 to ensure there are no utilities buried in the area. Click the button below for more information.
Close Before You Doze.
Fire moves fast so plan ahead. Watch the videos below to see why it is important to close your door before falling asleep.
Fireworks Safety
With Independence Day this weekend, we would like to share some safety tips to keep your holiday weekend safe and fun. 1) Attend a professional show instead of holding your own. 2) Always read instructions. 3) Use fireworks in clear open area. 4) only adults handle...
Water Safety
Death and injury from drowning happen every day in pools, natural bodies of water, bathtubs, and even buckets. The statistics are staggering: ten people drown every day for a total of 3,400 each year. It’s a leading cause of accidental death among children of all ages...
Outdoor Safety
It is almost Summer and with that comes fun in the sun with family and friends. To keep your family and yourself safe there a few things to look at before you start the events. For campfires and yard debris burns, make sure they are always attended and there is water...
Clothes Dryer Safety
Doing laundry is most likely part of your every day routine. But did you know how important taking care of your clothes dryer is to the safety of your home? The leading cause of home clothes dryer fires is failure to clean the lint out. With a few simple safety tips...
Have working smoke alarms in your home.
Time Change = Battery Change! It is that time of the year to replace your smoke detector battery to ensure they are properly working. Smoke is a poison that can kill you. Without working smoke alarms, you may not wake up from the smoke. Home fires at night or when...
Lithium Battery Usage
In recent years, there has been a marked increase in the deployment of lithium ion batteries in energy storage systems (ESS). Many ESS are being deployed in urban areas both in high rise structures and single- and multi-family residences. As the usage has increased so...
Children’s safety, coloring pages and more!
Special Event Request
Fill out the below form to have us at your event, or schedule a tour of the fire house!
Want to learn more about fire department ratings?
Fire Department ratings are evaluated by an outside party. These factors can effect insurance rates and evaluate communities based off of the safety standards in place. You can learn more about these ratings and how they effect you below.